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About the Craftsman Behind Kreative kirk

The Craftsman

Welcome to Kreative Kirk.


My Name is Robert, but everyone calls me "Kirk" due to my last name. I got that nickname from the Marines which I'm retired from now. Since being early retired due to a lumbar fusion surgery, I try to help and teach those that want to learn the skills I've learned. I've never wanted to become rich from teaching others. I honestly want to help those that need or want to learn a new skill for THEMSELVES. Too many people have to work hard just to barely live, I want to give them a chance to do something that they will LOVE to do.


I choose to learn a LOT about a LOT of things. That’s why I say that I am not a Master by any means. I’m a Craftsman of many things and love doing many hobbies. The hobbies range from Leather working, Airbrushing, Custom Classic Car building, Motorcycle Riding and Building, Off Grid Homesteading, Upholstery, 3D Printing, and even a few more. I’m the type of person that wants to learn all the trades it takes to do the hobbies I enjoy.


For example, with car building, I have gone through classic car restoration school and a high performance and racing technology school.


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